Source code for anadroid.application.Application

import os
import shutil

from textops import cut, grep, echo

from anadroid.Types import TESTING_FRAMEWORK
from anadroid.application.AbstractApplication import AbstractApplication
from anadroid.application.AndroidProject import AndroidProject
from import DefaultSemanticVersion
from anadroid.instrument.Types import INSTRUMENTATION_TYPE
from anadroid.utils.Utils import get_date_str, logw, logi

[docs]def get_prefix(testing_framework, inst_type): """Gets an adequate prefix for a folder, given the testing framework and instrumentation type. Args: testing_framework (TESTING_FRAMEWORK): Testing framework enumeration. inst_type (INSTRUMENTATION_TYPE): Instrumentation type enumeration. Returns: prefix (str): Prefix for the folder. """ dirname = testing_framework.value if inst_type == INSTRUMENTATION_TYPE.METHOD: dirname += "Method" elif inst_type == INSTRUMENTATION_TYPE.TEST: dirname += "Test" elif inst_type == INSTRUMENTATION_TYPE.ANNOTATION: dirname += "Annotation" else: raise Exception("Not implemented") cur_datetime = get_date_str() return dirname + "_"+cur_datetime
[docs]class App(AbstractApplication): """Main class that abstracts an Android App. Attributes: device (Device): Device where the app is installed. proj (AndroidProject): Respective Android project. package_name (str): Package name of the app. local_res_dir (str): Local results directory. app_name (str): Name of the app. version (DefaultSemanticVersion): App version. """ def __init__(self, device, proj, package_name, apk_path, local_res_dir, app_name="app", version=None): """Initializes an App instance. Args: device (Device): Device where the app is installed. proj (Project): Respective Android project. package_name (str): Package name of the app. apk_path (str): Path to the APK. local_res_dir (str): Local results directory. app_name (str): Name of the app. version (DefaultSemanticVersion): App version. """ self.device = device self.proj = proj self.apk = apk_path super(App, self).__init__(package_name, version) self.version = self.__get_version() if version is None else version self.local_res = os.path.join(local_res_dir, str(self.version)) = app_name self.curr_local_dir = None self.__init_res_dir() self.proj.apps.append(self) def __init_res_dir(self): """Initializes the results directory and subdirectories.""" all_dir = os.path.join(self.local_res, "all") old_runs_dir = os.path.join(self.local_res, "oldRuns") if not os.path.exists(self.local_res): os.mkdir(self.local_res) if not os.path.exists(all_dir): os.mkdir(all_dir) if not os.path.exists(old_runs_dir): os.mkdir(old_runs_dir) for f in os.scandir(self.local_res): if f.path != all_dir and f.path != old_runs_dir: try: shutil.move(f.path, old_runs_dir) except Exception: continue # Copy all methods all_m = os.path.join(self.local_res, "all", "allMethods.json") if not os.path.exists(all_m): all_m_proj = os.path.join(self.proj.proj_dir, "allMethods.json") if os.path.exists(all_m_proj): print(f"copying {all_m_proj} to {all_m}") shutil.copyfile(all_m_proj, all_m) else: other_possible_all_m = os.path.join(self.local_res, "oldRuns", "all", "allMethods.json") if os.path.exists(other_possible_all_m): print(f"copying {other_possible_all_m} to {all_m}") shutil.copyfile(other_possible_all_m, all_m)
[docs] def init_local_test_(self, testing_framework, inst_type): """Initializes a directory for a current test being run with the specified testing framework and instrumented with the specified instrumentation type. Args: testing_framework (TESTING_FRAMEWORK): Testing framework enumeration. inst_type (INSTRUMENTATION_TYPE): Instrumentation type enumeration. """ dirname = os.path.join(self.local_res, get_prefix(testing_framework, inst_type)) os.mkdir(dirname) self.curr_local_dir = dirname self.proj.save_proj_json(self.curr_local_dir) self.device.save_device_specs(os.path.join(self.curr_local_dir, "device.json")) self.device.save_device_info(os.path.join(self.curr_local_dir, "deviceState.json"))
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the application on the device. Starts the app by calling monkey -p <pkg_name> 1. """ self.device.execute_command("monkey -p {pkg} 1".format(pkg=self.package_name), args=[], shell=True) self.on_fg = True
[docs] def kill(self): """Kills the running app. Not yet implemented. """ self.on_fg = False pass
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops the running app. Stops the app via the activity manager (force-stop command). """ self.on_fg = False self.device.execute_command(f"am force-stop {self.package_name}", shell=True) \ .validate(Exception("error stopping app"))
[docs] def performAction(self, act): """Performs an action (Not yet implemented).""" pass
[docs] def set_immersive_mode(self): """Sets immersive mode for this app if the Android version < 11. This feature is only available for devices running Android 10 or lower. """ if self.device.get_device_android_version().major >= 11: logw("immersive mode not available on Android 11+ devices") return logi("setting immersive mode") self.device.execute_command(f"settings put global policy_control immersive.full={self.package_name}", shell=True)\ .validate(Exception("error setting immersive mode"))
[docs] def clean_cache(self): """Cleans the app cache. Cleans the app cache on the device using the package manager. """ self.device.execute_command(f"pm clear {self.package_name}", shell=True)
def __get_version(self): """Returns the app version. Obtains the app version using dumpsys. Returns: version (DefaultSemanticVersion): App version. """ if isinstance(self.proj, AndroidProject) and self.proj.proj_version != DefaultSemanticVersion("0.0"): return self.proj.proj_version res = self.device.execute_command(f"dumpsys package {self.package_name}", shell=True) if res.validate(Exception("unable to determine version of package")): version = echo(res.output | grep("versionName") | cut("=", 1)) return DefaultSemanticVersion(str(version))
[docs] def get_app_json(self): """Get a JSON representation of the app. Returns: dict: JSON representation of the app. """ return { 'app_id': self.proj.app_id, 'app_package': self.package_name, 'app_version': str(self.version), 'app_project': self.proj.proj_name, 'app_language': 'Java' }
[docs] def get_permissions_json(self): """Get the permissions JSON file. Returns: str: Path to the permissions JSON file or None if it doesn't exist. """ file_to_look = os.path.join(self.curr_local_dir, "appPermissions.json") return None if not os.path.exists(file_to_look) else file_to_look