Source code for anadroid.application.ProjectModule

import os
from enum import Enum
from os import mkdir

from anadroid.utils.Utils import execute_shell_command, loge
from textops import cat, grep, cut
import re

[docs]class MODULE_TYPE(Enum): """Project Module types.""" LIBRARY = "Library" APP = "App"
[docs]class ProjectModule(object): """Represents an Android Project Module. Attributes: mod_name (str): Module name. mod_dir (str): Module directory. build_file (str): Path to the build.gradle file of the module. module_type (MODULE_TYPE): Type of the module (LIBRARY or APP). manifest (str): Path to the AndroidManifest.xml file of the module. dependencies (set): Set of module dependencies. gen_apks (dict): Generated APKs within the module. gen_aars (dict): Generated AARs within the module. """ def __init__(self, name, mod_dir): """Initializes a ProjectModule instance. Args: name (str): Module name. mod_dir (str): Module directory. """ self.mod_name = name self.mod_dir = mod_dir self.build_file = self.__infer_build_file() self.module_type = self.__infer_module_type() self.manifest = self.__infer_manifest() self.dependencies = set() self.__infer_dependencies() self.gen_apks = {} self.gen_aars = {} def __infer_build_file(self): """Returns the path to the build.gradle file of the module. Returns: str: Filepath. """ res = execute_shell_command("find \"%s\" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"build.gradle\"" % self.mod_dir) return res.output.strip() if res.return_code == 0 else None def __infer_manifest(self): """Returns the path to the AndroidManifest.xml file of the module. Returns: str: Filepath. """ res = execute_shell_command("find \"%s\" -maxdepth 4 -type f -name \"AndroidManifest.xml\"" % self.mod_dir) return res.output.strip() if res.return_code == 0 else None def __infer_module_type(self): """Tries to infer the module type (MODULE_TYPE). Returns: MODULE_TYPE: Module type. """ is_app = cat(self.build_file) | grep('') != '' return MODULE_TYPE.APP if is_app else MODULE_TYPE.LIBRARY def __infer_dependencies(self): """Infers and adds module dependencies to the dependencies attribute.""" # TODO: Get dependencies type dependencies ='dependencies.*?\{(.|\n)*}', str(cat(self.build_file))) inside_dependencies = [] if dependencies: dependencies = inside_dependencies = dependencies.splitlines() dependency = "" for dep_line in inside_dependencies: is_imp = str(grep(dep_line, pattern="implementation")) if is_imp != "": splits ='(\'|\")(.*)(\'|\"?)', is_imp) if splits is not None: dependency = splits.groups()[1].split(":")[0] else: loge(f"error detecting dependencies of module {self.mod_name}") else: is_comp = str(grep(dep_line, pattern="compile")) if is_comp != "": dependency ='name:(.*?)(\'|\")(.*?)(\'|\"),', is_comp) if dependency: dependency = dependency.groups()[1] self.dependencies.add(dependency)
[docs] def create_inner_folder(self, name="libs"): """Creates a directory inside the module. Args: name (str): Directory name. Returns: str: Directory's path. """ path = os.path.join(self.mod_dir, name) try: mkdir(path) except FileExistsError: pass return path