Source code for

import os
import re
import shutil
from enum import Enum

from termcolor import colored
from textops import grep, cat, echo, sed
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
from import SDKManager
from import DefaultSemanticVersion
from anadroid.utils.Utils import mega_find, get_resources_dir, loge

RES_DIR = get_resources_dir()
GRADLE_RES_DIR = os.path.join(RES_DIR, "build", "gradle")
GRADLE_WRAPPER_DIR = os.path.join(GRADLE_RES_DIR, "wrapper", "gradle")

[docs]class KNOWN_ERROR(Enum): """Enumerates the list of known gradle build errors that possibly can be fixed the framework.""" GOOGLE_REPO_ERROR = "method google() for arguments" LIBS_ERROR = "No signature of method: is applicable for argument types" MIN_SDK_ERROR = "uses-sdk:minSdkVersion (.+) cannot be smaller than version (.+) declared in" BUILD_SDK_ERROR = "The SDK Build Tools revision \((.+)\) is too low for project " WRAPPER_ERROR = "try editing the distributionUrl" WRAPPER_MISMATCH_ERROR = "Failed to notify project evaluation listener" WRAPPER_PROP_ERROR = "Wrapper properties file" NDK_TOOLCHAIN_ERROR = "NDK toolchains folder" BUILD_TOOLS_CPU_ERROR = "Bad CPU type in executable" NO_WRAPPER = "Could not find or load main class org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain" NO_GRADLEW_EXEC = "gradlew: No such file or directory" NO_TARGET_PLATFORM = "failed to find target with hash string" NO_BUILD_TOOLS = "failed to find Build Tools revision" MAYBE_MISSING_GOOGLE_REPO = "Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration" USER_HAS_TO_ACCEPT_INSTALL = "INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED" NDK_BAD_CONFIG = "did not contain a valid NDK and couldn't be used"
#UNSUPPORTED_DEPENDENCY_VERSION = "The Android Gradle plugin supports only Butterknife Gradle plugin version 9.0.0-rc2 and higher."
[docs]def is_known_error(output): """Given the build output, checks if a known error occurred. Returns: object (obJ:`KNOW_ERROR`): the inferred error. If the error is not known, returns None. """ for error in KNOWN_ERROR: is_this_error = error.value in output if is_this_error: return error return None
[docs]def solve_known_error(proj, error, error_msg, **kwargs): """Tries to fix known build error. Args: proj(obj:`AndroidProject`): project that raised the error. error(obj:`KNOWN_ERROR`): error_msg(str): build output containing the error. """ if error == KNOWN_ERROR.WRAPPER_MISMATCH_ERROR: #adjust gradle wrapper version grad_prop_files = mega_find(proj.proj_dir, "", type_file='f') bld_gradle_files = proj.get_build_files() for f in bld_gradle_files: possible_plgin_vers = str(cat(f) | grep("*")) has_plg_version = possible_plgin_vers != "" if not has_plg_version: continue plg_version = possible_plgin_vers.split(":")[-1] adeq_v = get_adequate_gradle_version(plg_version) for fprop in grad_prop_files: update_gradle_wrapper_version(fprop, adeq_v) elif error == KNOWN_ERROR.NO_WRAPPER: # no wrapper config copy_tree(GRADLE_WRAPPER_DIR, os.path.join(proj.proj_dir, "gradle")) elif error == KNOWN_ERROR.NO_GRADLEW_EXEC: shutil.copytree(os.path.join(GRADLE_RES_DIR, "gradlew"), proj.proj_dir) elif error == KNOWN_ERROR.NO_TARGET_PLATFORM: # extract version -> use sdkmanager to download -> retry output = kwargs.get("out") if "out" in kwargs else "" current_compileSdkVersion ="android-([0-9]+)",output).groups()[0] sdkman = SDKManager() sdkman.download_platform(current_compileSdkVersion) elif error == KNOWN_ERROR.NO_BUILD_TOOLS: # the build tools version being used was not downloaded current_build_tools_version = kwargs.get('build-tools') SDKManager().download_build_tools_version(current_build_tools_version) elif error == KNOWN_ERROR.BUILD_TOOLS_CPU_ERROR: # usually this error can be solved by upgrading BuildToolsVersion sdkman = SDKManager() current_build_tools_version = kwargs.get('build-tools') available_build_tools_list = sdkman.get_list_of_available_build_tools() new_vers = upgrade_version_from_version_list(available_build_tools_list, current_build_tools_version) sdkman.download_build_tools_version(new_vers) for bld_file in proj.get_build_files(): replace_build_tools_version(bld_file, current_build_tools_version, new_vers) elif error == KNOWN_ERROR.MAYBE_MISSING_GOOGLE_REPO: # add repository in main gradle file main_grdl = proj.root_build_file add_google_repo(main_grdl) has_glu_glu = "google()" in str(cat(proj.root_build_file)) if not has_glu_glu: add_google_repo_build_script(main_grdl) elif error == KNOWN_ERROR.MIN_SDK_ERROR: pass x='''output = kwargs.get("out") if "out" in kwargs else "" if output == "": return tha_manif_file = re.match(r"(.+?AndroidManifest\.xml)", output) print(tha_manif_file.groups()) print(tha_manif_file)''' elif error == KNOWN_ERROR.WRAPPER_ERROR: # can be solved the same way of WRAPPER_MISMATCH_ERROR recom_v ="Minimum supported Gradle version is (.*). Current version", error_msg) recom_v = f'{recom_v.groups()[0].strip()}-all' if recom_v else get_adequate_gradle_version(get_gradle_plugin_version(proj.root_build_file)) grad_prop_files = mega_find(proj.proj_dir, "", type_file='f') update_gradle_wrapper_version(grad_prop_files[0], recom_v ) #solve_known_error(proj, error=KNOWN_ERRORS.WRAPPER_MISMATCH_ERROR, **kwargs) elif error == KNOWN_ERROR.NDK_BAD_CONFIG: loge("BAD NDK configuration. please update ndk path in resources/config/") local_Prop_file = os.path.join(RES_DIR, "config", "") shutil.copy(local_Prop_file, proj.proj_dir) elif error == KNOWN_ERROR.GOOGLE_REPO_ERROR: # upgrade build tools (min at least 3.6) min = DefaultSemanticVersion("3.6.3") current_build_version = get_gradle_plugin_version(proj.root_build_file) replace_gradle_plugin_version( proj.root_build_file, current_build_version, min) solve_known_error(proj, KNOWN_ERROR.WRAPPER_MISMATCH_ERROR, error_msg, **kwargs) #elif error == KNOWN_ERRORS.UNSUPPORTED_DEPENDENCY_VERSION: # pass else: loge(f"Unable to solve {error}")
[docs]def get_adequate_gradle_version(plugin_version): """given the gradle plugin version, returns an adequate gradle version to match the plugin version. Based on table. Args: plugin_version: Gradle-plugin version. Returns: version: adequate gradle version. """ version = DefaultSemanticVersion(plugin_version) if DefaultSemanticVersion("1.0.0") <= version <= DefaultSemanticVersion("1.1.3"): return "2.3-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("1.2.0") <= version <= DefaultSemanticVersion("1.3.1"): return "2.9-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("1.5.0") == version: return "2.13-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("2.0.0") <= version <= DefaultSemanticVersion("2.1.2"): return "2.13-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("2.1.3") <= version <= DefaultSemanticVersion("2.2.3"): return "3.5-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("2.3.0") <= version < DefaultSemanticVersion("3.0"): return "3.3-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("3.0.0") <= version < DefaultSemanticVersion("3.1.0"): return "4.1-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("3.1.0") <= version < DefaultSemanticVersion("3.2.0"): return "4.4-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("3.2.0") <= version <= DefaultSemanticVersion("3.2.1"): return "4.6-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("3.3.0") <= version <= DefaultSemanticVersion("3.3.3"): return "4.10.1-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("3.4.0") <= version <= DefaultSemanticVersion("3.4.3"): return "5.1.1-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("3.5.0") <= version <= DefaultSemanticVersion("3.5.4"): return "5.4.1-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("3.6.0") <= version <= DefaultSemanticVersion("3.6.4"): return "5.6.4-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("4.0.0") <= version < DefaultSemanticVersion("4.1.0"): return "6.1.1-all" elif DefaultSemanticVersion("4.2.0") <= version: return "6.7.1-all"
[docs]def upgrade_version_from_version_list( version_list , upgradable_candidate, opt="max"): if opt == "min": list_of_bigger_patches = filter(lambda x: x.major == upgradable_candidate.major and x.minor == upgradable_candidate.minor and x.patch > upgradable_candidate.patch, version_list) final_l = sorted(list_of_bigger_patches, key=lambda x: x.patch, reverse=True) if len(final_l) > 0: return final_l[0] else: # try major first list_of_bigger_majors = filter(lambda x: x.major > upgradable_candidate.major, version_list) final_l = list(sorted(set(list_of_bigger_majors), key=lambda x: x.major)) if len(final_l) > 0: return final_l[0] # minor version list_of_bigger_minors = filter( lambda x: x.major == upgradable_candidate.major and x.minor > upgradable_candidate.minor, version_list) final_l = sorted(list_of_bigger_minors, key=lambda x: x.minor, reverse=True) if len(final_l) > 0: return final_l[0] if opt == "min": # major version list_of_bigger_majors = filter(lambda x: x.major > upgradable_candidate.major, version_list) final_l = sorted(list_of_bigger_majors, key=lambda x: x.major) if len(final_l) > 0: return final_l[0] else: # try major first list_of_bigger_patches = filter(lambda x: x.major == upgradable_candidate.major and x.minor == upgradable_candidate.minor and x.patch > upgradable_candidate.patch, version_list) final_l = sorted(list_of_bigger_patches, key=lambda x: x.patch, reverse=True) if len(final_l) > 0: return final_l[0] return upgradable_candidate
[docs]def replace_build_tools_version(bld_file, old_bld_version, new_bld_version): """replace build tools version on bld_file gradle file. Args: bld_file: path of build file. old_bld_version: old version. new_bld_version: new version. """ old_str = str(old_bld_version) new_str = str(new_bld_version) new_file = re.sub(old_str, new_str, str(cat(bld_file))) with open(bld_file, 'w') as u: u.write(new_file)
[docs]def replace_gradle_plugin_version(bld_file, old_v, new_v): """replace gradle plugin version on bld_file gradle file. Args: bld_file: path of build file. old_v: old version. new_v: new version. """ new_file = str(cat(bld_file)).replace(f'{str(old_v)}', f'{str(new_v)}') with open(bld_file, 'w') as u: u.write(new_file)
[docs]def add_google_repo(main_grdl): """Adds Google as repository to allprojects in main_grdl gradle file. Args: main_grdl: path of build file. """ file_ctent = str(cat(main_grdl)) new_file = file_ctent + "\nallprojects {repositories { maven { url ''\nname 'Google'}}}" with open(main_grdl, 'w') as u: u.write(new_file)
[docs]def add_google_repo_build_script(main_grdl): """Adds Google as repository to buildscript block in main_grdl file. Args: main_grdl: path of build file. """ file_ctent = str(cat(main_grdl)) new_file = file_ctent + "\nbuildscript {repositories { google() }}" with open(main_grdl, 'w') as u: u.write(new_file)
[docs]def update_gradle_wrapper_version(gradle_wrap_prop_filepath, new_v): """updates gradle wrapper version in properties file. Args: gradle_wrap_prop_filepath: properties file path. new_v: new version. """ fl_ctnt = file_content = str(cat(gradle_wrap_prop_filepath)) current_v = str(echo(fl_ctnt) | grep("distributionUrl=.*")).split("/")[-1].replace("gradle-", "").replace(".zip", "") file_content = re.sub(current_v, new_v, file_content) with open(gradle_wrap_prop_filepath, 'w') as u: u.write(file_content)
[docs]def get_gradle_plugin_version(gradle_file): """returns gradle plugin version. gets value of contained in gradle_file. Args: gradle_fileU (str): build.gradle filepath. Returns: gradle_plugin_version (str): plugin version. """ gradle_plugin_version = str(cat(gradle_file) | grep("") | sed("classpath||\"", "")).strip().replace("'","") return gradle_plugin_version