Source code for

import os
from shutil import copy

from textops import grep, cat, sed, head, echo
import json
import re

from anadroid.application.AndroidProject import BUILD_TYPE
from anadroid.application.Application import App
from anadroid.application.Dependency import DependencyType
from import AbstractBuilder
from import DefaultSemanticVersion, can_be_semantic_version
from anadroid.device.MockedDevice import MockedDevice
from anadroid.utils.Utils import mega_find, execute_shell_command, sign_apk, log_to_file, loge, logw, logs, logi
from import is_known_error, solve_known_error

TRANSITIVE = "implementation"
TEST_TRANSITIVE = "testImplementation"
ANDROID_TEST_TRANSITIVE = "androidTestImplementation"
DEBUG_TRANSITIVE = "debugImplementation"

	'android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner': 22,
	'': 28,
	'androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner': 32

	'android.enableBuildCache': 'true',
	'org.gradle.caching': 'true',

	'Recycle', 'Wakelock', 'DrawAllocation',
	'ObsoleteLayoutParam', 'ViewHolder'}

	'preDexLibraries': 'false',
	'javaMaxHeapSize': '"8g"'

	'abortOnError': 'false',

	'packageName': 'applicationId',
	'testPackageName': 'testApplicationId',
	'packageNameSuffix': 'applicationIdSuffix',
	'android.plugin.bootClasspath': 'android.bootClasspath',
	'android.plugin.ndkFolder': 'android.plugin.ndkDirectory ',
	'zipAlign': 'zipAlignEnabled',
	'jniDebugBuild': 'jniDebuggable',
	'renderscriptDebug': 'renderscriptDebuggable',
	'flavorGroups': 'flavorDimensions',
	'renderscriptSupportMode': 'renderscriptSupportModeEnabled',
	'ProductFlavor.renderscriptNdkMode': 'renderscriptNdkModeEnabled',
	'InstrumentTest': 'androidTest',
	'instrumentTestCompile': 'jniDebuggable',

BUILD_RESULTS_FILE = "buildStatus.json"

[docs]def gen_dependency_string(dependency): """generates dependency format to be inserted in gradle files. Args: dependency(obj: `BuildDependency`): dependency. Returns: dependency_string(str): dependency format as string. """ if dependency.dep_type == DependencyType.LOCAL_BINARY: return """{transitive} (name:'{name}', ext:'{tp}')""".format(transitive=TRANSITIVE,, tp=dependency.bin_type) elif dependency.dep_type == DependencyType.LOCAL_MODULE: return "{transitive} project(:{name})".format(transitive=TRANSITIVE, elif dependency.dep_type == DependencyType.CLASSPATH: return "classpath '{name}".format( \ + ":{version}'".format(version=dependency.version) if dependency.version is not None else "'" else: return "{transitive} '{name}".format(transitive=TRANSITIVE, \ + ":{version}'".format(version=dependency.version) if dependency.version is not None else "'"
[docs]def set_transitive_names(gradle_plugin_version): """Given the gradle-plugin version, sets the most adequate nomenclature to use in dependencies definition. Args: gradle_plugin_version: gradle-plugin version. """ x = DefaultSemanticVersion(str(gradle_plugin_version)) if x.major < 3: global TRANSITIVE TRANSITIVE = "compile" global TEST_TRANSITIVE TEST_TRANSITIVE = "testCompile" global ANDROID_TEST_TRANSITIVE ANDROID_TEST_TRANSITIVE = "AndroidTestCompile" global DEBUG_TRANSITIVE DEBUG_TRANSITIVE = "debugCompile"
# TODO api vs implementation vs compilonly ...
[docs]def is_library_gradle(bld_file): """checks if bld_file is a build file from a library. Returns: bool: True if is a library, False otherwise. """ return '' in str(cat(bld_file))
[docs]class GradleBuilder(AbstractBuilder): """Class that extends AbstractBuilder functionality in order to build Gradle projects. Attributes: build_flags(dict): build flags. change_history(list): list of changes performed to project. gradle_plg_version(str): Gradle plugin version for proj. build_tools_version(str): Gradle version for proj. """ def __init__(self, proj, device, resources_dir, instrumenter): super(GradleBuilder, self).__init__(proj, device, resources_dir, instrumenter) self.build_flags = {} self.change_history = [] self.gradle_plg_version = proj.get_gradle_plugin() self.build_tools_version = None set_transitive_names(self.gradle_plg_version) self.retry_on_fail = self.get_config("retry_failed", True)
[docs] def build_proj_and_apk(self, build_type=BUILD_TYPE.DEBUG, build_tests_apk=False, rebuild=False): """builds project and generates apk of build type. It can optionally build the tests apk and/or rebuild the current project in case it was already built. Args: build_type(BUILD_TYPE): type of build to perform. build_tests_apk(bool): True if the tests' apk has to be generated, False otherwise. rebuild(bool): True if the current build has to be cleaned and rebuilt, False otherwise. Returns: bool: build results. """ res = # might fail because of release only tasks if build_type == BUILD_TYPE.RELEASE: return res and self.build_apk(build_type=build_type) \ and self.proj.set_version(build_type) is None \ and (True if not build_tests_apk else self.build_tests_apk()) return self.build_apk(build_type=build_type) \ and self.proj.set_version(build_type) is None \ and (True if not build_tests_apk else self.build_tests_apk())
[docs] def install_apks(self, build_type=BUILD_TYPE.DEBUG, install_apk_test=False): """install apk of build_type and optionally de tests apk. Args: build_type(BUILD_TYPE): build type. install_apk_test(bool): True if the tests' apk has to be installed, False otherwise. Returns: apps_list(list): list of installed apks. """ # TODO background installer apps_list = [] task_name = "install" + build_type.value val = self.__execute_gradlew_task(task_name) was_success =, val) if was_success: logs(f"{task_name}: SUCCESSFUL") app = self.create_app_from_installed_apk(val, build_type) apps_list.append(app) filename = os.path.join(self.proj.proj_dir, "{task}_{results}.log".format(task=task_name, results=( "SUCCESS" if was_success else "ERROR"))) log_to_file(content=val, filename=filename) if install_apk_test: task_name = f"install{build_type.value}AndroidTest" val = self.__execute_gradlew_task(task_name) was_success =, val) if was_success: logs(f"{task_name}: SUCCESSFUL") filename = os.path.join(self.proj.proj_dir, "{task}_{results}.log".format(task=task_name, results=( "SUCCESS" if was_success else "ERROR"))) log_to_file(content=val, filename=filename) return apps_list
[docs] def uninstall_all_apks(self): """uninstall all project apks.""" if isinstance(self.device, MockedDevice): return task_name = "uninstallAll" self.__execute_gradlew_task(task_name)
[docs] def create_app_from_installed_apk(self, gradle_output, build_type): """create App object from installed apk on device. Args: gradle_output: build output. build_type: build type. Returns: app(App): created app. """ installed_apk_simple_name ="Installing APK \'(.*?)\'", gradle_output).groups()[0] full_apk_path = next( filter(lambda x: str(x).endswith(installed_apk_simple_name), self.proj.get_apks(build_type=build_type)), self.proj.get_apks(build_type=build_type)[0]) new_pkgs = self.device.get_new_installed_pkgs() if len(new_pkgs) == 0: # app was already installed logi("app already installed") app_pack = self.device.get_package_matching(self.proj.pkg_name) new_pkgs.append(app_pack) apk_pkg = new_pkgs[-1] # ASSUMING JUST ONE app = App(self.device, self.proj, apk_pkg, apk_path=full_apk_path, local_res_dir=self.proj.results_dir) return app
[docs] def sign_apks(self, build_type=BUILD_TYPE.DEBUG): """Sign project apks of build_type. Args: build_type: build type. Returns: bool: True if success, False otherwise. """ if self.was_last_build_successful(task="sign") or build_type == BUILD_TYPE.DEBUG: return True for apk_path in self.proj.get_apks(build_type): ret, o, e = sign_apk(apk_path) if ret == 0 and len(e) < 3: logs("APK Successfully signed") return True else: loge(f"Error signing apk {apk_path} {e}") print(e) return False
[docs] def build_apk(self, build_type=BUILD_TYPE.DEBUG): """Build apk of build_type. Args: build_type: build type. Returns: bool: True if success, False otherwise. """ task = f"assemble{build_type.value}" if self.was_last_build_successful(task) and not self.needs_rebuild(): logi(f"Not building again {build_type}. Last build was successful") return True apks_built = self.proj.get_apks() val = self.__execute_gradlew_task(task=task) was_success = BUILD_SUCCESS_VALUE in val if was_success: logs(f"BUILD ({build_type.value}) SUCCESSFUL") self.regist_successful_build(task) apks_now = self.proj.get_apks(build_type=build_type) fresh_apks = [x for x in apks_now if x not in apks_built] for apk in fresh_apks: if build_type == BUILD_TYPE.RELEASE: sign_apk(apk) self.proj.add_apk(apk, build_type) else: loge("Error Building APK") self.regist_error_build(task) return False return True
[docs] def build_tests_apk(self): """builds tests apk. Returns: bool: True if success, False otherwise. """ task = "assembleAndroidTest" if self.was_last_build_successful(task) and not self.needs_rebuild(): logw("Not building again. Last build was successful") return True apks_built = self.proj.get_apks() val = self.__execute_gradlew_task(task=task) was_success = str(val | grep(BUILD_SUCCESS_VALUE)) != "" if was_success: logs(f"{task}: SUCCESSFUL") self.regist_successful_build(task) apks_now = self.proj.get_apks() apks_test = [x for x in apks_now if x not in apks_built] for apks_test in apks_test: self.proj.add_apk(apks_test, None) else: loge("Error Building test APK") self.regist_error_build(task) return False return True
[docs] def build(self, rebuild=False): """builds project if project is not build yet or rebuild is True. Args: rebuild: True if the project has to be rebuilt. Returns: bool: True if success, False otherwise. """ build_was_succcessful = self.was_last_build_successful() if build_was_succcessful and not rebuild: logi("Not building again. Last build was successful") return True if not self.retry_on_fail and not build_was_succcessful and self.was_attempted_to_build_before(): logw("Skipping failed build. Retry on failed flag is disabled") return True self.__execute_gradlew_task("clean") # mainly to ensure that built apks from original proj do not persist for mod_name, proj_module in self.proj.modules.items(): bld_file = proj_module.build_file self.__set_build_tools_version(bld_file) self.__add_or_update_dexoptions(bld_file) self.__add_or_update_lintoptions(bld_file) self.__add_plugins(bld_file) self.needs_min_sdk_upgrade(bld_file) self.adapt_target_sdk_upgrade(bld_file) self.__update_test_instrumentation_runner(bld_file) self.__add_external_libs_fldr(proj_module) self.__add_external_libs(proj_module) # maybe change build tools? self.__add_build_classpaths() self.__add_external_libs_to_repositories() self.__add_or_replace_local_properties_files() return self.build_with_gradlew(self.get_config("build_fail_retries", DEFAULT_BUILD_TIMES_TO_TRY), skip_lint=True)
[docs] def build_with_gradlew(self, tries=DEFAULT_BUILD_TIMES_TO_TRY, target_task="build", skip_lint=False): """performs build task with gradle. Args: tries: number max of tries to fix build errors. target_task: task to perform. Returns: bool: True if success, False otherwise. """ has_gradle_wrapper = self.proj.has_gradle_wrapper() if not has_gradle_wrapper: # create gradle wrapper copy(os.path.join(self.resources_dir, "build", "gradle", "gradlew"), self.proj.proj_dir) lint_option_cmd = " -x lint" if skip_lint else "" val = self.__execute_gradlew_task(target_task + lint_option_cmd + " -x test") was_success = BUILD_SUCCESS_VALUE in val if was_success: logs(f"{target_task}: BUILD SUCCESSFUL") self.regist_successful_build(target_task) return True else: error = is_known_error(val) if error is not None and tries > 0: solve_known_error(self.proj, error, error_msg=val, **{'build-tools': self.build_tools_version}) loge(f"{target_task}: BUILD FAILED. error is known ({error}). Fixing error and retrying") log_to_file(f"{error}", os.path.join(self.proj.proj_dir, "registered_errors.log")) return self.build_with_gradlew(tries=tries - 1, target_task=target_task) else: print(val) loge("Unable to solve Building error") self.regist_error_build(target_task) log_to_file(f"{val}\n-------", os.path.join(self.proj.proj_dir, "unknown_errors.log")) return False
def __execute_gradlew_task(self, task): """execute gradle task with gradle wrapper. Args: task: task name. Returns: str: command output. """ logi(f"Executing Gradle task: {task}") build_timeout_val = self.get_config("build_timeout", None) build_timeout_val = None if build_timeout_val == 0 else build_timeout_val #build_timeout = f'gtimeout -s 9 {build_timeout_val}' if build_timeout_val > 0 else "" #print(build_timeout) cmd = "cd {projdir}; chmod +x gradlew ; ./gradlew {task}".format( projdir=self.proj.proj_dir, task=task, build_timeout=build_timeout_val) res = execute_shell_command(cmd, timeout=build_timeout_val) if res.validate(f"error running gradle task ({task})"): return res.output else: return res.errors
[docs] def needs_min_sdk_upgrade(self, gradle_file): """infers if module needs min sdk upgrade in order to the app be installed on the current device. Args: gradle_file: gradle file. """ has_min_sdk = cat(gradle_file) | grep(r'minSdkVersion.*[0-9]+') if str(has_min_sdk) != "": min_sdk = has_min_sdk | sed('minSdkVersion| |=|\n', "") | head(1) device_sdk_version = self.device.get_device_sdk_version() if int(str(min_sdk)) > device_sdk_version: logw(f"This app target sdk version {min_sdk}. This is greater than the device version and the application" f" might not work properly on the connected device") new_file = re.sub(r'minSdkVersion (.+)', r'minSdkVersion %d' % device_sdk_version, str(cat(gradle_file))) with open(gradle_file, 'w') as u: u.write(new_file) return True return False
[docs] def adapt_target_sdk_upgrade(self, gradle_file): """Adapts target sdk upgrade to connected device if needed. Args: gradle_file: gradle file. """ has_target_sdk = cat(gradle_file) | grep(r'targetSdkVersion.*[0-9]+') if str(has_target_sdk) != "": device_target_sdk_version = self.device.get_device_sdk_version() new_file = re.sub(r'targetSdkVersion (.+)', r'targetSdkVersion %d' % device_target_sdk_version, str(cat(gradle_file))) with open(gradle_file, 'w') as u: u.write(new_file) return True return False
def __add_or_update_dexoptions(self, gradle_file): """Adds dexoptions to build file if needed. Args: gradle_file: gradle file. """ new_dex_opts = {} file_ctent = str(cat(gradle_file)) #has_android ='android.*?\{', file_ctent) has_android ='android[^\w]*?\{', file_ctent) if has_android is None: return has_dex_options ='dexOptions.*?\{', file_ctent) if has_dex_options is not None: original_dex_options ='dexOptions.*?\{([^}]+)', file_ctent).groups()[0].strip().split("\n") new_dex_opts = self.__filter_opts(original_dex_options, DEX_OPTIONS.keys()) for dx, dval in DEX_OPTIONS.items(): new_dex_opts[dx] = (" ", dval) else: for dx, dval in DEX_OPTIONS.items(): new_dex_opts[dx] = (" ", dval) # build string for adding to dexoptions line = "" for a, b in new_dex_opts.items(): line += "\t\t%s%s%s\n" % (a, b[0], b[1]) line = "android {\n\tdexOptions {\n%s\t}" % line fl_without_dexopts = re.sub(r'dexOptions.*?\{([^{}]+)}', "", file_ctent) fl_ok = re.sub(r'android[^\w]*?\{', line, fl_without_dexopts) with open(gradle_file, 'w') as u: u.write(fl_ok) def __add_or_update_lintoptions(self, gradle_file): """Adds lint options. """ new_lint_opts = {} file_ctent = str(cat(gradle_file)) has_android ='android[^\w]*?\{', file_ctent) if has_android is None: return has_lint_options ='lintOptions.*?\{', file_ctent) if has_lint_options is not None: original_lint_options ='lintOptions.*?\{([^{}]+)}', file_ctent).groups()[0].strip().split("\n") new_lint_opts = self.__filter_opts(original_lint_options, LINT_OPTIONS.keys()) for dx, dval in LINT_OPTIONS.items(): new_lint_opts[dx] = (" ", dval) else: for dx, dval in LINT_OPTIONS.items(): new_lint_opts[dx] = (" ", dval) # build string for adding to dexoptions line = "" for a, b in new_lint_opts.items(): line += "\t\t%s%s%s\n" % (a, b[0], b[1]) line = "android {\n\tlintOptions {\n%s\t}" % line fl_without_dexopts = re.sub(r'lintOptions.*?\{([^{}]+)}', "", file_ctent) fl_ok = re.sub(r'android[^\w]*?\{', line, fl_without_dexopts) with open(gradle_file, 'w') as u: u.write(fl_ok) def __update_test_instrumentation_runner(self, gradle_file): """Updates test runner according to device sdk version. Args: gradle_file: gradle file """ file_ctent = str(cat(gradle_file)) has_inst_runner ='testInstrumentationRunner', file_ctent) if has_inst_runner is None: return contains_androidx_dependency ='androidx\.test\.*', file_ctent) device_sdk = self.device.get_device_sdk_version() if contains_androidx_dependency is None else 100 adequate_test_runner = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] <= device_sdk, TEST_RUNNERS.items()))[-1] new_file = re.sub(r"testInstrumentationRunner (.+)", r"testInstrumentationRunner '%s'" % adequate_test_runner[0], file_ctent) with open(gradle_file, 'w') as u: u.write(new_file) def __filter_opts(self, opts, excluding_set): to_keep = {} try: for dex_op in opts: opt_tpls ='(.*?)(=|\s|:)([^{}]+)', dex_op.strip()).groups() opt_key = opt_tpls[0].strip() opt_oper = opt_tpls[1] opt_val = opt_tpls[2].strip() if opt_key not in excluding_set: to_keep[opt_key] = (opt_oper, opt_val) else: self.change_history.append("Removed or replaced opt %s" % opt_key) except: loge("error filtering opts in gradle file") return opts return to_keep def __add_or_replace_local_properties_files(self): """Update or create file. """ local_props_files = mega_find(self.proj.proj_dir, pattern="", maxdepth=3) custom_prop_file_ctent = self.build_local_properties_file() for loc_prop in local_props_files: with open(loc_prop, 'w') as u: u.write(custom_prop_file_ctent) u.close()
[docs] def build_local_properties_file(self): """builds file content. Returns: str: file content. """ return ''' sdk.dir={android_home} sdk-location={android_home} ndk.dir={android_home}/ndk-bundle ndk-location={android_home}/ndk-bundle''' \ .format(android_home=self.android_home_dir)
def __add_external_libs_to_repositories(self): if self.needs_external_lib_dependency(): file_ctent = str(cat(self.proj.root_build_file)) new_file = file_ctent + "\nallprojects {repositories {flatDir { dirs 'libs'}}}" with open(self.proj.root_build_file, 'w') as u: u.write(new_file) def __add_external_libs_fldr(self, proj_module): """adds folder to include local 3rd party libs. Args: proj_module(obj:ProjectModule): project module. """ bld_file = proj_module.build_file if bld_file == self.proj.root_build_file: return if self.instrumenter.profiler.needs_external_dependencies(): # create folder created_dir = proj_module.create_inner_folder(name="libs") # copy external lib to folder lib_filepath = self.instrumenter.profiler.local_dep_location copy(lib_filepath, created_dir) def __add_external_libs(self, proj_module): """adds dependencies to module. Args: proj_module(obj:ProjectModule): project module. """ bld_file = proj_module.build_file if not self.needs_external_lib_dependency(): return file_ctent = str(cat(bld_file)) dependencies = self.instrumenter.get_build_dependencies() #has_depts ='dependencies.*?\{(.|\n)*}', file_ctent).group(0) new_deps="\ndependencies{\n\t" for n_dp in dependencies: new_deps += gen_dependency_string(n_dp) + "\n\t" new_file_ctent = file_ctent + new_deps + "}\n" with open(bld_file, 'w') as u: u.write(new_file_ctent)
[docs] def needs_external_lib_dependency(self): """needs build dependencies from instrumenter. Returns: bool: True if needs, False otherwise. """ return self.instrumenter.needs_build_dependency()
[docs] def was_last_build_successful(self, task="build"): """checks if last build attempt was successful. inspects BUILD_RESULTS_FILE file and checks build result. Returns: bool: True if build was successful, False otherwise. """ filename = os.path.join(self.proj.proj_dir, BUILD_RESULTS_FILE) if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fl: js = json.load(fl) return js[task].lower() == SUCCESS_VALUE.lower() if task in js else False return False
[docs] def regist_successful_build(self, task="build"): """record successful build in file. Args: task: build task name. """ filename = os.path.join(self.proj.proj_dir, BUILD_RESULTS_FILE) js = {} if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fl: js = json.load(fl) js[task] = SUCCESS_VALUE with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(js, outfile)
[docs] def regist_error_build(self, task="build"): """record successful build in file. Args: task: build task name. """ filename = os.path.join(self.proj.proj_dir, BUILD_RESULTS_FILE) js = {} if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fl: js = json.load(fl) js[task] = ERROR_VALUE with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(js, outfile)
def __set_build_tools_version(self, bld_file, btools_version=DEFAULT_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION): """sets build tools version btools_version on bld_file. Args: bld_file: build file. btools_version: version. """ has_bld_tools = str((cat(bld_file) | grep("buildToolsVersion") | sed("buildToolsVersion|\"", ""))).strip() if has_bld_tools != "": if can_be_semantic_version(has_bld_tools): self.build_tools_version = DefaultSemanticVersion(has_bld_tools) return elif "ext." in has_bld_tools: var_name = has_bld_tools.split("ext.")[-1] target_pattern1, target_pattern2 = r'ext.*?\{', r'%s.*?=.*' % var_name x = list(filter(lambda t:, str(cat(t))) and, str(cat(t))), mega_find(self.proj.proj_dir, "*.gradle", type_file='f'))) if len(x) > 0: # assume 0 pattern = re.sub(r'\"|\'', "",, str(cat(x[0]))).group().split("=")[1].strip()) if can_be_semantic_version(pattern): self.build_tools_version = DefaultSemanticVersion(pattern) return else: logw(f"unable to determinate build tools version. Using default: {btools_version}") self.build_tools_version = DefaultSemanticVersion(btools_version) def __add_plugins(self, bld_file): """adds build plugins if needed Args: bld_file: build file. """ if not self.instrumenter.needs_build_plugin(): return file_content = str(cat(bld_file)) plugins = self.instrumenter.get_build_plugins() if len(plugins) > 0 and plugins[0] in file_content: return has_plugin_apply ='apply.*plugin.*', file_content) plg_string = "" if has_plugin_apply: # replace # plgs = echo(file_content) | grep(r'apply.*plugin') # it can't be the first plugin plgs = re.findall(r'apply.*plugin.*', file_content) for plg in plugins: if 'hunter' in plg and is_library_gradle(bld_file): continue plg_string += f"apply plugin: '{plg}'\n" # file_content = re.sub(plgs, (plg_string + plgs), file_content) last_plg = plgs[len(plgs) - 1] new_plgs = last_plg + "\n" + plg_string file_content = file_content.replace(last_plg, new_plgs) else: has_plugins ='plugins.*\{', file_content) if has_plugins: original_plugs ='plugins.*?\{([^{}]+)}', file_content).groups()[0] for plg in plugins: plg_string += f"\tid '{plg}'\n" file_content = re.sub(original_plugs, original_plugs + plg_string, file_content) else: # append at beginning for plg in plugins: plg_string += f"apply plugin: '{plg}'\n" file_content = plg_string + file_content with open(bld_file, 'w') as u: u.write(file_content) def __add_build_classpaths(self): """adds build dependencies of the instrumenter if needed.""" if not self.instrumenter.needs_build_classpaths(): return file_ctent = str(cat(self.proj.root_build_file)) # TODO: more elegant way to do this, instead of just appending to build file classpaths = self.instrumenter.get_build_classpaths() pato_str = "buildscript{\n\tdependencies{\n" for pato in classpaths: pato_str += gen_dependency_string(pato) + "\n" new_file_ctnt = file_ctent + "\n" + pato_str + "\n}\n}" with open(self.proj.root_build_file, 'w') as u: u.write(new_file_ctnt) def __has_built_apks(self): """checks if project has apks already built. Returns: bool: True if has, False otherwise. """ return len(mega_find(self.proj.proj_dir, pattern="*.apk", type_file='f')) > 0
[docs] def needs_rebuild(self): """checks if project needs rebuild. Returns: bool: True if needs, False otherwise. """ return not self.__has_built_apks() # TODO check build type and maybe last build output, lint, etc
[docs] def was_attempted_to_build_before(self): """checks if there was a build attempt before. Returns: bool: True if yes, False otherwise. """ filename = os.path.join(self.proj.proj_dir, BUILD_RESULTS_FILE) return os.path.exists(filename)