Source code for anadroid.instrument.AbstractInstrumenter

import json
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod


DEFAULT_LOG_FILENAME = "instrumentation_log.json"

[docs]class AbstractInstrumenter(ABC): """Provides basic interface to perform instrumentation of project sources of Android projects. Attributes: profiler(Profiler): targeted profiler. mirror_dirname(str): name of the directory where the changes will be performed. """ def __init__(self, profiler, mirror_dirname="_TRANSFORMED_"): super().__init__() self.profiler = profiler self.current_instr_type = None self.mirror_dirname = type(profiler).__name__ + mirror_dirname
[docs] @abstractmethod def init(self): """inits class.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def instrument(self, android_project, mirror_dirname="_TRANSFORMED_", test_approach=TESTING_APPROACH.WHITEBOX, test_frame=TESTING_FRAMEWORK.MONKEY, instr_strategy=INSTRUMENTATION_STRATEGY.METHOD_CALL, instr_type=INSTRUMENTATION_TYPE.TEST, **kwargs): """Method responsible for instrument project sources. Args: android_project(AndroidProject): the project to instrument. mirror_dirname(str): name of the directory where the changes will be performed. test_approach(TESTING_APPROACH): testing approach. test_frame(TESTING_FRAMEWORK): the testing framework to be used. instr_strategy(INSTRUMENTATION_STRATEGY): instrumentation strategy to perform. instr_type(INSTRUMENTATION_TYPE): type of instrumentation. **kwargs: """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def needs_build_plugin(self): """checks if a build plugin is needed.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_build_plugins(self): """retrieves the needed build plugins for the performed instrumentation.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def needs_build_dependency(self): """checks if additional build dependencies are needed.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_build_dependencies(self): """retrieves the needed build dependencies for the performed instrumentation.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def needs_build_classpaths(self): """checks if additional gradle dependencies are needed for the performed instrumentation.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_build_classpaths(self): """retrieves the needed gradle dependencies for the performed instrumentation.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_log_filename(self): """returns the name of the log file where the instrumentation output will be written. Returns: str: name of the file. """ return DEFAULT_LOG_FILENAME
[docs] def needs_reinstrumentation(self, proj, test_approach, instr_type, instr_strategy): """checks if the project needs to be instrumented again (i.e. if the last instrumentation performed is == to the instrumentation to be performed). Args: proj(AndroidProject): project. test_approach(TESTING_APPROACH): testing approach. instr_strategy(INSTRUMENTATION_STRATEGY): instrumentation strategy to perform. instr_type(INSTRUMENTATION_TYPE): type of instrumentation. Returns: bool: True if needs to be instrumented again, False otherwise. """ instrumentation_log = self.get_instrumentation_log(proj) old_profiler = instrumentation_log['profiler'] if 'profiler' in instrumentation_log else "" old_approach = instrumentation_log['test_approach'] if 'test_approach' in instrumentation_log else "" old_instr_type = instrumentation_log['instr_type'] if 'instr_type' in instrumentation_log else "" old_instr_strat = instrumentation_log['instr_strategy'] if 'instr_strategy' in instrumentation_log else "" return self.profiler.__class__.__name__ != old_profiler \ or old_approach != test_approach.value \ or old_instr_type != instr_type.value \ or old_instr_strat != instr_strategy.value
[docs] def write_instrumentation_log_file(self, proj, test_approach, instr_type, instr_strategy): """write instrumentation attributes to a file. This file is inspected when there is need to evaluate if there is need to instrument again. Args: proj: test_approach: instr_type: instr_strategy: """ data = { 'profiler': self.profiler.__class__.__name__, 'test_approach': test_approach.value, 'instr_type': instr_type.value, 'instr_strategy': instr_strategy.value } filepath = os.path.join(proj.proj_dir, self.mirror_dirname, self.get_log_filename()) with open(filepath, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile)
[docs] def get_instrumentation_log(self, proj): """loads information from the file containing the specs of the last instrumentation performed. Args: proj(AndroidProject): project. Returns: dict: last instrumentation specs. """ file = self.get_log_filename() filepath = os.path.join(proj.proj_dir, self.mirror_dirname, file) js = {} if os.path.exists(filepath): with open(filepath, "r") as ff: js = json.load(ff) return js