Source code for anadroid.profiler.GreenScalerProfiler

import os
import subprocess
import time
from enum import Enum

from anadroid.profiler.AbstractProfiler import AbstractProfiler
from anadroid.profiler.greenScaler.GreenScaler.greenscaler import cpu_measurement, get_foreground_app, syscall_trace, \
from anadroid.profiler.greenScaler.GreenScaler.libmutation import greenscalerapplication, model
from anadroid.profiler.greenScaler.GreenScaler.libmutation.greenscalerapplication import GreenScalerApplication
from anadroid.utils.Utils import execute_shell_command, get_resources_dir, logi, loge

DEFAULT_RES_DIR = os.path.join(get_resources_dir(), "profilers", "GreenScaler")

[docs]class GREENSCALER_TASK(Enum): """Enumerates tasks of greenscaler profiler""" CPU_PROFILING = "CPU Profiling" SYSTRACE = "Syscal Tracing" SCREEN_CAPTURE = "Screen Capture"
[docs]class GreenScalerProfiler(AbstractProfiler): """Implements AbstractProfiler to allow profiling with GreenScalear profiler. Provides a set of methods that allow to manage a profiling session lifecycle. Attributes: resources_dir(str): directory with profiler resources. inner_app(GreenScalerApplication): the current app being tested. """ def __init__(self, profiler, device, resources_dir=DEFAULT_RES_DIR): #if not device.is_rooted(): # raise Exception("GreenScaler cannot be used in noon-rooted devices") super(GreenScalerProfiler, self).__init__(profiler, device, pkg_name=None) self.resources_dir = resources_dir if not self.__is_installed(): self.install_profiler() self.inner_app = None def __is_installed(self): """checks if GreenScaler is installed.""" res = self.device.execute_command("ls sdcard ", shell=True) if res.validate(Exception("Error obtained while device sdcard content")): return "" in res.output return False
[docs] def install_profiler(self, install_script_name=INSTALL_SCRIPT_NAME): """install profiler on device.""" path_of_installer = os.path.join(self.resources_dir, "push_to_phone") cmd = f"cd {path_of_installer}; sh {install_script_name}" execute_shell_command(cmd).validate(Exception("Unable to install GreenScaler"))
[docs] def init(self, **kwargs): pynadroid_app = kwargs.get("app") if "app" in kwargs else None self.inner_app = GreenScalerApplication(, pynadroid_app.package_name)
[docs] def start_profiling(self, task=GREENSCALER_TASK.CPU_PROFILING): pass
[docs] def stop_profiling(self, tag="", export=False): pass
[docs] def update_state(self, val=0, desc="stopped"): pass
[docs] def export_results(self, out_filename=None): pass
[docs] def pull_results(self, file_id, target_dir): pass
[docs] def get_dependencies_location(self): return []
[docs] def needs_external_dependencies(self): return False
[docs] def exec_greenscaler(self, package, test_cmd, runs=1): """Given the package name and the command to start the test, profile testing procedure with greenscaler. Args: package: app package. test_cmd: test command to be called to exercise app. runs: number of executions. """ n = runs app = greenscalerapplication.GreenScalerApplication(package, package, runTestCommand=exec_command) logi("executing greenscaler test") cpu_measurement(app, package, n, package, test_cmd) foreground_app = get_foreground_app() if foreground_app != package: loge("Error detected. App crashed or stopped during execution") return app.stop_and_clean_app() logi("capturing system calls") syscall_trace(app, package, n, package, test_cmd) foreground_app = get_foreground_app() if foreground_app != package: loge("Error detected. App crashed or stopped during execution") return app.stop_and_clean_app() #print("Now run to capture screen shots") n_tries = 5 while n_tries > 0: n_tries = n_tries - 1 app.stop_and_clean_app() n_image = screen_capture(app, package, n, package, test_cmd) if n_image == 1: break energy = model.estimate_energy(package, app, n) logi(f"Energy = {energy} Joules") app.stop_and_clean_app()
[docs]def exec_command(self, command): pipes = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) std_out, std_err = pipes.communicate() if pipes.returncode != 0: # an error happened! err_msg = "%s. Code: %s" % (std_err.strip(), pipes.returncode) raise Exception(err_msg) elif len(std_err): print(std_out)
# return code is 0 (no error), but we may want to # do something with the info on std_err # i.e. logger.warning(std_err)