Source code for anadroid.profiler.greenScaler.GreenScaler.greenscaler

Copyright 2016 Shaiful Chowdhury (

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

import sys, argparse, time, threading, subprocess
from anadroid.profiler.greenScaler.GreenScaler.libmutation import utils, greenscalerapplication,model
import os
import time
import sys
import shutil
from os import listdir

[docs]def cleaning(pkg, apk): print("Uninstall app if already installed") utils.uninstall_app(pkg) print("Install app") utils.install_app(apk)
[docs]def get_foreground_app(): output = subprocess.check_output("adb shell dumpsys activity recents | grep 'Recent #0' | cut -d= -f2 | sed 's| .*||' | cut -d '/' -f1", shell=True) #p = subprocess.Popen("pwd", stdout=subprocess.PIPE) #result = p.communicate()[0] return output.decode("utf-8").strip()
[docs]def cpu_measurement(app, apk_file, n, package, test_cmd): for i in range(n): #cleaning(package, apk_file) print ("Start cpu profiling") print("sleeping") time.sleep(5) app.cpu.cpu_before(package) print("Running application") print(test_cmd) app.cpu.duration=app.cpu.duration+duration print("total duration=" + str(duration)) app.cpu.cpu_after(package) print("Collect CPU measurements") app.cpu.pull_cpu(package) app.cpu.count_cpu(apk_file[:-4])
[docs]def syscall_trace(app, apk_file, n, package, test_cmd): for i in range(n): while 1: print("running ", str((i+1))+"th round of strace") #cleaning(package, apk_file) time.sleep(5) print("Start syscall tracing") app.syscall.syscall_capture() print("syscall tracing started") print("Running application") #conv= ' '.join([str(i) for i in test_cmd]) print("Stop Syscall tracing") app.syscall.syscall_stop() print("Pull syscall traces") app.syscall.pull_syscall() trap=app.syscall.count_syscall() if trap==1: ##### strace worked print("Syscall worked") break else: print("Syscall did not work this time\nStarting this round again")
[docs]def screen_capture(app, apk_file, n, package,test_cmd): #cleaning(package, apk_file) app.color.capture_images() print ("Running application") app.color.pull_images() app.color.delete_images() no_img=0 for img in listdir(utils.IMAGE_PATH+package+"/screen_shots/"): no_img=no_img+1 print ("total captured_images="+str(no_img)) if no_img>=1: app.color.calculate_rgb() #utils.uninstall_app(package) return 1 else: print ("Images were not captured properly") print( "==================================================================") print ("==================================================================") return 0
[docs]def default_greenscaler(n_runs=1): n = n_runs for apk_file in sorted(listdir(utils.APKS_PATH)): ########### Find package name and main_activity from the apk try: st=str(subprocess.check_output(utils.AAPT_PATH+"aapt dump badging "+utils.APKS_PATH+apk_file)) start="package: name=\'" end="\' versionCode=" package=((st.split(start))[1].split(end)[0]) start="launchable-activity: name=\'" end="\' label=\'" main_activity=((st.split(start))[1].split(end)[0]) #pid = utils.clean_up(package, utils.APKS_PATH+apk_file) except: print ("Could not find Package name") continue print ("==========================================================") ### initialize an app with zero resource usage print(apk_file) app=greenscalerapplication.GreenScalerApplication(apk_file, package, runTestCommand=run_test) ######## Capture all print ("capture cpu and others for "+str(n), " times") cpu_measurement(app, apk_file, n, package) print ("capture system calls") syscall_trace(app, apk_file, n, package) print ("Now run to capture screen shots") while 1: n_image=screen_capture(app, apk_file, n, package) if n_image==1: break energy=model.estimate_energy(apk_file, app, n) print("Energy ="+str(energy)+" Joules")
[docs]def exec_command(self, command): #print("executing command -%s-" % command) pipes = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) #If you are using python 2.x, you need to include shell=True in the above line std_out, std_err = pipes.communicate() if pipes.returncode != 0: # an error happened! err_msg = "%s. Code: %s" % (std_err.strip(), pipes.returncode) raise Exception(err_msg) elif len(std_err): print(std_out)
# return code is 0 (no error), but we may want to # do something with the info on std_err # i.e. logger.warning(std_err)
[docs]def exec_greenscaler(package,test_cmd): n=1 app=greenscalerapplication.GreenScalerApplication(package, package, runTestCommand=exec_command) print("executing test") cpu_measurement(app, package, n, package, test_cmd) foreground_app=get_foreground_app() print("-"+foreground_app+"-") if foreground_app != package: print("Error detected. App crashed or stopped during execution") exit(-1) app.stop_and_clean_app() print("capture system calls") syscall_trace(app, package, n, package,test_cmd) foreground_app=get_foreground_app() if foreground_app != package: print("Error detected. App crashed or stopped during execution") exit(-1) app.stop_and_clean_app() print( "Now run to capture screen shots") n_tries=5 while n_tries>0: n_tries=n_tries-1 app.stop_and_clean_app() n_image=screen_capture(app, package, n, package, test_cmd) if n_image==1: break energy=model.estimate_energy(package, app, n) print("Energy ="+str(energy)+" Joules") app.stop_and_clean_app() exit(0)
if __name__=='__main__': if len(sys.argv)>2: package=sys.argv[1] exec_greenscaler(package, ' '.join(sys.argv[2:])) else: print ("bad arg len. Usage: python greenscaler <apk-path> [cmd and args]") exit(-1)