import os
import sys
from shutil import copyfile
from androguard.core.analysis.analysis import MethodAnalysis
from anadroid.results_analysis.AbstractAnalyzer import AbstractAnalyzer
from androguard.misc import AnalyzeAPK
import re
import json
from anadroid.utils.Utils import mega_find, logw
knownRetTypes = {
"V": "Void",
"Z": "boolean",
"B": "byte",
"S": "short",
"C": "char",
"I": "int",
"J": "long",
"F": "float",
"D": "double"
[docs]def inferType(st):
st = str(st)
if (len(st) > 0):
if "[" in st:
# array . ex: I[]
return "[" + inferType(st[1:]) + "]"
if len(st) > 1:
return parseMethod(st)
elif st[0] in knownRetTypes:
return knownRetTypes[st]
return ""
[docs]def parseMethod(full):
#print(f"full: {full}")
full = re.sub(r'^\[', '', str(full)).replace(';', '')
return re.sub(r'^L', '', full).replace("/", ".").replace(r';|_',"")
#return re.sub(r'^L', '', full).replace("/", ".").replace(";", "").replace("_", "")
[docs]def rreplace(mystr, reverse_removal, reverse_replacement):
return mystr[::-1].replace(reverse_removal, reverse_replacement, 1)[::-1]
[docs]def trolhaSep(mystr, separator):
r = ""
l = mystr.split(separator)
for i in range(0, len(l) - 1):
r += l[i] + separator
return rreplace(r, separator, "")
[docs]def parseDescriptors(descriptor):
st = "("
defaultsep = " "
real ="\(.*\)", descriptor)
if real is not None:
for s in
x = s.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
if len(x) > 0:
st += inferType(x) + ","
return rreplace(st, ",", "") + ")"
return "()"
[docs]def methodDescriptorToJSON(jsonObj, descriptor):
st = ""
defaultsep = " "
descriptor = str(descriptor)
jsonObj['method_return'] = inferType(descriptor.split(")")[1])
jsonObj['method_args'] = []
real ="\(.*\)", descriptor)
if real is not None:
for s in" "):
rs = s.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
if len(rs) > 0:
return jsonObj
[docs]def parseArgs(descriptor):
l = []
defaultsep = " "
real ="\(.*\)", descriptor)
if real is not None:
for s in
x = s.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
if len(x) > 0:
return l
[docs]def methodAPIStringToJSON(method_string):
#print(f"metostring {method_string}")
jsonObj = {}
z ='->.*\)([A-Za-z]|\/)+', method_string)
if z is not None:
method_name =
jsonObj['return'] = inferType(method_name.split(")")[1])
jsonObj['args'] = []
l = method_string.split("->")
if len(l) == 2:
class_name = parseMethod(l[0])
#print(f"a classe {class_name}")
x = method_name.replace("->", "").split("(")
method_name_s = x[0]
jsonObj['name'] = parseMethod(class_name + "." + method_name_s)
jsonObj['args'] = (parseArgs("(" + x[1]))
return jsonObj
[docs]def parseClassName(classname):
x = re.sub(r'\$[0-9]+', '', classname)
return re.sub(r'\$', '.', x)
[docs]def inferPackage(classname):
last_tok_list = classname.split('.')[:-1]
return '.'.join(last_tok_list)
[docs]def eval(path, pack):
fa, d, dx = AnalyzeAPK(path)
graph = {}
pack_redefined = pack.replace(".", "/")
pack_redefined = trolhaSep(pack_redefined, "/")
for c in dx.find_classes(name=(".*" + pack_redefined + ".*")):
classe = {}
class_name = str(parseClassName(parseMethod(
classe['class_name'] = class_name
# print("classname ->" +
classe['class_superclass'] = parseMethod(c.extends)
classe['class_implemented_ifaces'] = list(map(parseMethod, c.implements)) # parseMethod(c.implements)
classe['class_fields'] = []
classe['class_package'] = inferPackage(parseMethod(
# print(c)
for field in c.get_fields():
# print("field->"+field.get_field().get_class_name())
classe['class_methods'] = {}
m_index = 0
for m in c.get_methods():
orig_method = m.get_method()
# class encodedmethod
# print(orig_method.get_name() +"limpo :" + parseMethod(orig_method.get_name()))
# if re.match(".*"+ trolhaSep(pack_redefined, "/") +".*", m.get_method().get_class_name()+".*"):
m_id = {}
# print(orig_method.get_access_flags_string())
m_id['method_name'] = (class_name + "->" + str((orig_method.get_name())))
methodDescriptorToJSON(m_id, orig_method.get_descriptor())
m_id['method_modifiers'] = orig_method.get_access_flags_string()
m_id['method_apis'] = []
m_id['method_class'] = class_name
m_id['method_locals'] = orig_method.get_locals()
m_id['method_length'] = orig_method.get_length()
m_id['method_nr_instructions'] = len(list(orig_method.get_instructions()))
except Exception as e:
m_id['method_length'] = -1
m_id['method_nr_instructions'] = -1 # len(list(orig_method.get_instructions()))
str_id = m_id['method_name'] + "#" + str(m_index)
m_index = m_index + 1
if len(m.get_xref_to()) > 0:
classe['class_methods'][str_id] = m_id
for other_class, callee, offset in m.get_xref_to():
str_to_consider = str(callee.get_method()) if isinstance(callee, MethodAnalysis) else str(callee)
classe['class_methods'][str_id] = m_id
graph[classe['class_name']] = classe
filename = pack + ".json"
with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(graph, outfile, indent=3)
return filename
[docs]class ApkAPIAnalyzer(AbstractAnalyzer):
"""Defines a basic interface collect metrics of each method defined in an Android Project using Androguard.
def __init__(self, profiler):
super(ApkAPIAnalyzer, self).__init__(profiler)
[docs] def eval_app(self, app):
if app is None:
if app.apk is None:
logw(f"Unable to analyze apk of {app.package_name} (Missing APK path).")
app_methods_candidates = [x for x in mega_find(os.path.join(app.local_res, "all"), type_file='f', maxdepth=1) if
"allMethods.json" not in x and "DS_Store" not in x]
app_file_exists = len(app_methods_candidates) > 1 # TODO 0
if not app_file_exists:
print(f"apk: {app.apk} | name: {app.package_name}")
filename = eval(app.apk, app.package_name)
target_dir = os.path.join(app.local_res, "all")
copyfile(filename, os.path.join(target_dir, os.path.basename(filename)))
[docs] def setup(self, **kwargs):
[docs] def analyze(self, apk_path, apk_name):
print("analyzing apk")
return eval(apk_path, apk_name)
[docs] def show_results(self, app_list):
[docs] def get_val_for_filter(self, filter_name, add_data=None):
return super().get_val_for_filter(filter_name, add_data)
[docs] def analyze_tests(self, app=None, results_dir=None, **kwargs):
if app is None:
return True
return super().analyze_tests(app, results_dir=results_dir, **kwargs)
[docs] def analyze_test(self, app, test_id, **kwargs):
return super().analyze_test(app, test_id=test_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate_test(self, app, arg1, **kwargs):
if app is None:
return True
return super().validate_test(app, arg1, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate_filters(self):
return super().validate_filters()
if __name__ == '__main__':
apk_path = sys.argv[1]
apkname = sys.argv[2]
eval(apk_path, apkname)